

Welcome to the Huddle Site App Documentation. Please read through the documentation carefully to ensure that you can easily get the most out of the Huddle Site App

What is the Huddle Site App?

The Huddle Site App is the central app for submitting paperwork regarding your daily activities. Currently the app supports submitting:

  • Pile Records
  • Daily Record Sheets

The capabilities of the app will expand over time to include more features.

Accessing the Huddle Site app

The Huddle Site App will automatically be installed on your work provided tablet. A link to the app will be placed on the home screen of the tablet. If you are unable to find the app, please contact IT Support.

Upon clicking on the app you will presented with a login screen. Enter your username and password, given to you when you collected your tablet, and click the login button. If you have forgotten your password, please contact IT Support.

Sign In

Using the Huddle Site App

Once you have succesfully logged in you will be presented with the home screen. This screen will display a list of all the app sections and a brief overview of their function. This list can not be clikced in any way. To navigate to one of the other screens please use the navigation bar.

Home Screen

Please read on for details on how to use each screen within the app.