

This is the Inbox screen, here you will find three tabs that contain records based on their completion status. These records can be actioned so that they can be signed off or viewed.

  • The 'Sign-Offs Required' tab is where you will find all of your submitted forms, that need to be signed off by either an engineer or client.
  • The 'Action Required' tab shows forms that have not yet been completed. (This is still being worked on so that forms can be re-visited and ammended).
  • The 'Archive' tab shows a history of all records that have been signed off.


Action Inbox Items

To action a record in the inbox, press the record you would like to action, and choose an option that is displayed in the modal:


Choosing the signature option will present the following, this can be filled out by the approver and once complete the record will be moved to the 'Archive' section of the Inbox:


The view option will open the record in a pdf format, so it can be saved, shared or printed:


These are the same options you are presented within the 'Action Required' and 'Archive' tab, this will change in future as the app doesn't currently support the editing of existing records.