Pile Record

Pile Record

This screen is used to submit your pile records, it has multiple stages to avoid repetition of entering fields.

Step 1 - Project Info

This step only needs to be entered once until you have finished adding piles, here you will find top level info such as:

  • Hammer - multiple options
  • Pile Type - select between precast or steel tube
  • Project ID - as you enter the project number you will see autocomplete options to save time.
  • Rig - choose between Aarsleffs fleet of rigs. Any externally hired rigs should also appear in the list if IT have been made aware of this prior to the start of the project.


Press 'Next' to validate your selections, if no errors appear, press 'Next' again to advance to the next section of the form.

Step 2 - Add Piles

In this stage, you are able to fill out the form for every pile you install.

Once you complete the form, add the pile using the 'Add Pile' button.


This then adds a pile to the pile record, you will be able to see the added pile at the top of the page, along with any others that you add.


If needed you can edit/ delete the piles you've added by pressing the card and choosing the option you require.


When selecting 'Edit', you will be returned to the form with all of the information pre-filled from when you submitted the pile, from here you can make adjustments and finish editing by pressing the 'Update Pile' button. If you realise the the pile doesn't any adjustments, press the 'Cancel Edit' button.


Once you've finshed adding all of your piles, press the 'Next' button at the top of the page.

Step 3 - Restrike Record

Here you can enter details on whether a pile needed to be re-struck. The pile can be referenced by the pile number. Press the 'Add Pile' button to add the re-strike record.


This is the last stage of the form, so if you are happy with the information entered, press the 'Next' button at the top of the page to submit your entire Pile Record.

The record should now be visible in your inbox, ready to be signed off.